Does your Docusaurus front matter image path contain spaces? Is Docusaurus yelling at you during build?
Maybe I can help?
[ERROR] The following front matter:
title: My Blog Post
description: A sweet new blog post
slug: my-blog-post
authors: coreysutton
- Power Platform
image: /img/Power Platform/PowerAutomate_scalable.svg
contains invalid values for field(s): `image`.
- "image" does not look like a valid url (value='')
[ERROR] Error while parsing blog post file "{path}/2022-09-01-my-blog-post.mdx".
[ERROR] Processing of blog source file "{path}/2022-09-01-my-blog-post.mdx" failed.
[ERROR] ValidationError: "image" does not look like a valid url (value='')
Attempt 1 - Quotes ❌
I tried surrounding the value in quotes, but had no luck
image: "/img/Power Platform/PowerAutomate_scalable.svg"
Attempt 2 - URL Escape Codes ✔
Instead try replacing spaces the URL escapce code %20
image: /img/Power%20Platform/PowerAutomate_scalable.svg
Bingo - as easy as that. Let me know if you have a better way to fix this, as this feels hacky.