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· 5 min read
Corey Sutton
Power Pages Icon

Users who are familiar with Dynamics and Power Platform Model Driven Apps expect a double-click action on grids and grid-like components. By default Power Apps portals does not provide a double-click action for entity lists that are rendered on a page, and as far as I am aware, there is no configuration option to enable this.

· One min read
Corey Sutton
Azure Static Web App icon

Does your Docusaurus front matter image path contain spaces? Is Docusaurus yelling at you during build?

Maybe I can help?

[ERROR] The following front matter:
title: My Blog Post
description: A sweet new blog post
slug: my-blog-post
authors: coreysutton
- Power Platform
image: /img/Power Platform/PowerAutomate_scalable.svg
contains invalid values for field(s): `image`.

- "image" does not look like a valid url (value='')

[ERROR] Error while parsing blog post file "{path}/2022-09-01-my-blog-post.mdx".
[ERROR] Processing of blog source file "{path}/2022-09-01-my-blog-post.mdx" failed.
[ERROR] ValidationError: "image" does not look like a valid url (value='')

· 2 min read
Corey Sutton
Azure Static Web App icon

Azure Static Web Apps build and deploy Action Azure/static-web-apps-deploy@v1 appers to be fixed to Node.js 14.x, which throws errors when build against the latest version of Docusaurus (v2.0.1) which requires >=16.14.

> docusaurus build
[ERROR] Minimum Node.js version not met :(
[INFO] You are using Node.js v14.19.1, Requirement: Node.js >=16.14.
---End of Oryx build logs---
Oryx has failed to build the solution.

· One min read
Corey Sutton

Welcome to the first blog post! My plan is to use this platform to write short summaries of things I find interesting in my day-to-day job, that other may also find interesting or helpful.